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Planning Board Minutes 05/06/10

May 6, 2010 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)      Diane Chauncey (Staff)   David Dubois (Member)  Joe Koziell (Member)           Jesse Lazar (Member)      Peter Moore (Planner)
Andrew Robblee (Member)    Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)   CR Willeke (Chair)
Member & Staff Absent:  
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)

Business Meeting:

·       Approval of March 4, 2010 minutes: Chair Willeke moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Dubois seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to approve the minutes.
·       Approval of March 18, 2010 minutes: Mr. Burnside moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Dubois seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to approve the minutes.
·       Approval of April 1, 2010 minutes: Mr. Burnside moved to approve the minute as presented. Mr. Dubois seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to approve the minutes.
·       Pierce Lake  Estates II Status Review : Mr. Moore gave a summary of Pierce Lake Estates – an approved subdivision (File #2004-14PB) located in the Rural/Lake Front Residential District, Map  Lots…on a cul-de-sac off of Pierce Lake Road. Several of the lots have been sold. The road has had a first and second coursing, which the former Road Agent had said was somewhat bumpy. In May of 2008, Peter Pitsas (Town Engineer – Underwood Engineers) had developed a 3-page punch list of items that required attention. As of May 10, 2010, not all the requirements had been satisfied. The bond for the road was about to expire.

        The Board discussed the road acceptance policy. The Planning Board will         determine whether the road requirements have been satisfied - using the         punch   list and the conditions of approval noted on the Notice of Decision. The        Road    Agent would also be asked for his opinion. The Selectman are then petitioned by         the owner, and the Selectboard will determine the road acceptance.

        The Planning Board would like Mr. Moore to call the bondholder (Westchester     Fire) and review the situation.

Mr. Webber (Selectboard ex-officio) will research the road acceptance policy.

·       Green Ridge Road LLC, aka Kateco, aka High Hills Status   Mr. Moore summarized the status of the approved subdivision – File #2005-05PB on Map Lot on a cul-de-sac off of Ashley Road which is off of Elm Avenue and in the Rural District. A punch list had also been developed for this subdivision – many requirements have not been satisfied. There was a long discussion about the road and the complexities involved with a subdivision that is not built out in a timely way. The Planning Board requested that Mr. Moore discuss the situation with Mr. Pitsas.

·       Master Plan – Review “final” edits, as of 5/1/2010 The revisions were viewed by the Board using the projector. After each revision was discussed, it was determined that the revised Master Plan will be posted to the web. Mr. Moore will set up a date for Missy Taylor to present the Master Plan in a Public Hearing in either mid June or early July.

·       Continue review of proposed new Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations  No reviewing  
·       Public Hearing Notice PWSF  - Francestown, May 4, 2010

Workshops, Trainings:
·       Local Housing Commission Workshop - May 13,2010 - sponsored by SWRPC
        Keene State College 5:30 - 7:30pm
New Business from the Floor:
·       Jenn Clifford will take a leave of absence from the Board. She has enjoyed being a part of the Board and hopes to resume as an alternate in the future.
·       Chair Willeke discussed the scenic road requirements and that  resident John Kendall had requested information from  him to clear cut a portion of his land on a scenic road - what were the landowner responsibilities. RSA 231:157 explains the role of the landowner (Section IV., Designation of a road as a scenic road shall not affect the rights of any landowner with respect to work on his own property….)
·       Chair Willeke also announced that the Professional Engineers would be holding a dinner with the speaker Ed Chernian of Lempster Wind Farm on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - for any who may be interested in attending.

At 9:20pm, Mr. Burnside moved to adjourn. Mr. Dubois seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board